Stores  >  Estonia  >  Tallinn  >  adidas Outlet Store Tallinn

adidas Outlet Store Tallinn

A. H. Tammsaare tee 60, Tallinn , Estonia

Customers rating: 90%
Address and contacts:
A. H. Tammsaare tee 60
Tallinn, 11613 (Kristiine, Harju maakond)
Estonia, Europe

Opening hours are not set yet.
📍 Google Maps

Phone number: +372 639 0060

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Questions & Answers

How can I get a job at adidas Outlet Store Tallinn?

You can try contacting an employment agency in Tallinn and ask them or better yet, write directly to adidas Outlet Store Tallinn.

Is the store open for customers at the weekend?

You can shop on both Sundays and Saturdays.

Do you have a phone contact for the store?

As of Aug 1, 2022, we have +372 639 0060 on file.

Does adidas Outlet Store Tallinn also sell online and where?

We are not aware of adidas Outlet Store Tallinn having an online shop.

Does adidas Outlet Store Tallinn have an IG account?

Unfortunately, we have no idea if adidas Outlet Store Tallinn has an IG account.

I wanna go to adidas Outlet Store Tallinn, is it worth it?

The overall rating of the shop is 4.5 out of five. Great customer reviews.

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