Stores > Bulgaria > Sofia > PUMA
Sofia Ring Mall, Софийски околовръстен път 214, 1434, София , Bulgaria
Софийски околовръстен път 214, 1434
Sofia, 1434 (в.з. Симеоново - север, Витоша, Област София)
Bulgaria, Europe
Opening hours are not set yet.
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Phone number: +359 2 995 1923
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Questions & Answers
I wanna work part time at PUMA, how do I do that?
If you meet the minimum age to work at the store and PUMA will just have a position for part-time employees, just contact them to find out the possibilities.
Can I go shopping at the store on Saturday or Sunday?
Yap, they're open all weekend.
What is the number to PUMA?
Phone number is +359 2 995 1923.
What is the address of PUMA store?
We are not aware of PUMA having an online shop.
Does PUMA have their own IG?
They might have an Instagram account in PUMA, but we don't know it.
What recommendations does the store have?
The overall rating of the shop is 4 out of five. Great customer reviews.
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